Minimalist Style, Maximum Personality

Minimalist Style, Maximum Personality

Image from Rick Owens Furniture found online © RickOwens

Rick Owens’ dark and otherworldly fashion designs have given way to what I call, a "Maximum Minimalist". In interviews, Rick Owens has given glimpses in to several of his homes and how he fashions the interior design. Even though he is a self-proclaimed minimalist, his fashion designs and interior designs prove that you can do a lot with a little.

If we can learn anything from Rick, it’s that minimalism does not mean minimizing boldness! If you’re looking to incorporate this style in your home, take a few lessons from his lookbook and forgo comfort for aesthetics. A common mistake people make is buying items, namely furniture, that are comfortable and maybe even stylish, but does it convey a feeling?

swan chair by rick owens

"As for comfort, I don’t think people realise everything we make comes with mattresses and pillows", he says in an interview with Amuse for VICE. "But maybe comfort can sometimes be cheap and sentimental. Maybe something simple and monolithic that makes you sit straight and feel more formal is a welcome option to conventional cosiness."

Swan Chair in natural plywood by © RickOwens- image courtesy of Salon 94

Envision it this way… If your living room were the main floor of a museum what would everyone be drawn to? Remember, just like museums, your spaces don’t need to be cluttered. Less is Best.

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