5 ways to Refresh Your Space this Year

5 ways to Refresh Your Space this Year

New Year, New Paint

If your room is not giving the vibe that you want, the answer might be as simple as a new coat of paint. Even adding an accent wall with a contrasting color can add a splash of personality in what would be an ordinary room. Pantone has deemed Peach Fuzz the color of the year, and you have to admit, it does make you feel fuzzy and bright inside. Draw inspiration from their color palette selections or you can create your own color to match your style at most hardware stores.

1 of 1 Decor

Instead of opting for trendy mass produced decor items, find original pieces that can serve as conversation starters or statement pieces in a room. Handmade items such as ceramics add a personal touch that you just can’t buy or find at large chains. So slide into that small family business (shameless plug) and support a budding artisan. Who knows, that vase you buy now may be worth thousands later. 

More Green Please

In the height of the pandemic, “Plant Parents” took over the internet parading their babies for the world to see. Despite that trend subsiding, being a plant parent is a great way to literally freshen up a room. With plant species numbering in the millions, there’s no excuse why you can’t find the right plant to adopt. You can go small with a succulent, keep it simple with a cactus, or make a statement with a peacock plant! Just don't turn your living room into an indoor jungle.

Lights, Camera, Color

Lighting is everything! And not just for photoshoots and film. White light is just one of the colors on the spectrum, and most of us aren't using the full prism as much as we could.

Adding colored light to specific spaces such as a reading room, or bathroom can elevate the ambience with a quick switch. What’s your favorite color? Consider adding that color light or find the right one to match your vibe.


Feng Shui

Feng Shui has been around for centuries which is a testament to its effectiveness. Everything from the placement of your furniture to the combinations of colors you use are believed to invite certain moods and energies in to your environment. Wonder why you always feel "meh" in a certain room? It's not you, it's the Chi or energy.

New to Feng Shui? Do a deep dive, learn more, and DIY, or hire a Feng Shui specialist who can assess your space and style it accordingly.



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